Monday, April 15, 2019

The curious connection between the spine and knee

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Dr. Joseph Yazdi has seen enough patients with spinal problems to know that when the spine is affected, there is a huge possibility that other parts of the body are as well. He notes that in professional sports, many team physicians and physical therapists often consult with spinal surgeons, especially if chronic pain emerges without injury.

One body part, in particular, has a curious connection with back pain – the knee. Spine specialists often mention how the nerves of the muscles surrounding a person’s knees can be found in a person’s back. This is why it’s not impossible for malfunctioning knees to be caused by problems originating in the back, specifically the spine.

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Dr. Joseph Yazdi also mentions low-level nerve irritation, which can affect how the muscles around the knees work, creating a dangerous series of movements for the all-important joint in the area. He also believes that there can be perhaps a simpler diagnosis – referred pain. After all, it has been observed in the past that pinched nerves from bulging lumbar discs can send signals of pain all the way down the nerve, ending in the knee.

For these reasons, Dr. Yazdi always recommends people experiencing back discomfort to see a specialist immediately. What may seem like ordinary back issues may be a prelude to pain in the knees, pain that may hinder a person’s mobility.

Dr. Joseph Yazdi specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques, motion preservation through total disc replacement, and chronic pain management by placement of dorsal column stimulator (DCS, or SCS) in selected patients. Over the years, he has also published several studies on neurosurgical best practice. For more insightful reads on spine health, visit this page.


  1. I didn't know that knee pain is can be a symptom of spinal misalignments.

    1. Yes. Working with a physical therapist can help determine if that is the case.

  2. And just like the other joints in your body, these spinal joints are susceptible to the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

  3. Most people, including I, assume if they have knee pain is due to a problem with the knee joint.Turns out that this is not always the case!
